Sean Kelly Gallery 528 West 29th street NYC |
We all have opinions, we're all critics and curators of our own lives, deciding what we are willing to bring in to it and what we choose to show of ourselves to others, however I often like to know what other people think and feel more than I'm willing to share what's going on in my own head. I'm more of a thinker, than a talker.
I also like to challenge myself to see differently, to view something familiar in a different and unique way.
I've seen this show twice, but not because I love Robert's work, which I do, but the idea behind this show is what strikes me. Actually, it's what pushed me into starting this blog.
I've seen all these images before, but I haven't seen them through the eyes and minds of these 50 average Americans living with in our fifty states. These Americans, ranging between the ages of 20's to 100+, were chosen randomly, from all walks of life and asked to pick one image that spoke to them, not a favorite image, but one they personally could identify with from a selection of 2000 images. That's a huge undertaking and I would've loved that opportunity.
Installation view Sean Kelly Gallery, NYC |
A plaque underneath each image shows the American/curator's name, location, race, age and occupation. Almost all included a photo of the curator, although some chose not to identify themselves visually. An explanation of why the image was chosen was included as well as a comment of whether the person knew of Mapplethorpe's work before they participated as a curator in the show and what their perception was of him as an artist. Michele was my favorite "After participating, I would have preferred to just view the landscape and floral art. The portraits were far too graphic for my taste and discouraged me from viewing his work in the future." Bless her heart.
I viewed the show with my son and yes, a few of the images are racy. For a second, I thought I'll just not say anything and we will pass by those few images that are questionable, but I stopped myself and I addressed the images and asked him what he thought, because after all he's an American too and I saw the images with a nine year old mind and yes, I saw them in a new way, with innocence.
Installation view Sean Kelley Gallery, NYC |